11 events found.
Healthy Living – Brain & Body
Healthy Living class aimed at helping seniors lead healthier lives in both brain and body.
12:30 pm
Elvis Movie Trip
Time and Price TBA
Senior Lunch | Shredded Chicken
Senior Lunches are held every Monday and Thursday at 12:00 pm in Stewart Hall of the Obetz Community Center. Please keep in mind that the OCC is closed on major holidays. *Menus are subject to change. Please call 614-491-4546 if you have any questions.
Senior Lunch | Cabbage Rolls
Senior Lunches are held every Monday and Thursday at 12:00 pm in Stewart Hall of the Obetz Community Center. Please keep in mind that the OCC is closed on major holidays. *Menus are subject to change. Please call 614-491-4546 if you have any questions.