
The City Engineer, Michael Corbitt, PE, LEED AP, is responsible for the planning, design, construction, and inspection of the City’s public infrastructure improvements. The City Engineer also ensures that work completed by private developers and private utility companies within the public right-of-way meets the City’s specifications.
The City’s Capital Improvement Program, including transportation, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water distribution projects are overseen by the Engineer.
Planning to Dig?
Anyone planning to dig in Ohio must call 811 or 1-800-362-2764 at least 48 hours before you dig. The Ohio Utilities Protection Service will notify your utility companies and member companies will mark their lines. Calling before you dig is important not only for safety reasons, but also because it is the law.

Water Main Breaks
Occasionally the water-mains that supply water to our houses will develop a leak; typically more during the winter months. If you see pooling water or water coming from the ground, please contact the Engineer at 614-491-1080. When the water-main break requires the water to be shutdown for repair, you will receive a Boil Alert to ensure against any potential harm in case something entered the system through the break. Whenever practical, the Engineer and Water Department staff attempt to fix leaks without shutting down the water to avoid the Boil Alerts. Below is a photo of a leak that was repaired without shutting off the water. The silver piece is the repair coupling. The small black line crossing over the top of the water line is a natural gas line and demonstrates why you should never dig without calling ahead to have the utilities marked.