Online Bill Pay
Utilities/Water Department
The Utilities Billing Department is responsible for meter reading, billing, collections, and customer service for the following utility services: electric, gas, water, sewer and refuse. The Utility Billing Department is located at 4175 Alum Creek Drive. Utility bills may be paid using cash, check, money order, automatic direct payment, debit card, or credit card (Visa or MasterCard only). Bills may be paid in person at the window Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, payment may be deposited into a drop box located in the front parking lot south of the pond near the Police Department entrance, or payments can be made online. For questions regarding your utility bill, contact Daniel Carpenter at 614-491-7804 or by email.
Automatic Direct Payment Program

The Village offers an automatic direct payment program in order to pay your monthly utility bills. In order to enroll in the program, you must complete an authorization form and return it to the Utilities Department. The form must be received by the 5th of the month in order to be effective for that month. At the beginning of each month you will receive your water bill as normal. On the due date, or the following Monday if the due date falls on a weekend, the Village will automatically withdraw the amount of your water bill from the account designated on the authorization form.
Mayor’s Court
Mayor’s Court is held every Wednesday at 5:00 P.M. at 4175 Alum Creek Drive—enter through the Police Department entrance. Magistrate Bob Krapenc presides. For questions regarding Mayor’s Court, contact Cathy Frederick, Deputy Clerk of Court, at (614) 491-3211 or by email.
Paying Tickets

To make a payment online, visit the link above or call (614) 491-3211. If your ticket does not require a court appearance, you may pay your ticket by the court date listed on the ticket. Payment is accepted via cash, money order, or cashier’s check. Visa and MasterCard are accepted in person or online.
If you are mailing your payment, please include the following:
• Your ticket, signed on the reverse side.
• Make your cashier’s check or money order payable to the Obetz Mayor’s Court for the total amount due. DO NOT MAIL CASH OR PERSONAL CHECK.
• Include a copy of your proof of insurance if it was not shown to the police officer.
• Mail to: Obetz Mayor’s Court, 4175 Alum Creek Drive, Obetz, OH 43207.