Service Department
The Service Department is located at 4100 Orchard Lane.
Some of the duties of the Street Department include:
• Street maintenance, such as pothole repair, crack sealing, and berm work;
• Snow and ice removal;
• Street sweeping;
• Sign placement and maintenance;
• Mosquito control in cooperation with Franklin County Board of Health;
• Traffic signals and street light repair; and
• Storm sewer installation and maintenance.
If you would like to contact the Service Department, call 614-491-7656 or email the Service Department Superintendent, Kyle Ingland.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When will my street be salted or plowed?
A. The first streets plowed are the main thoroughfares, followed by the industrial streets, and then the residential streets. When snow accumulates two inches or more, a snow emergency is declared, which means that no cars are allowed to be parked on the streets anywhere in the City. Removing parked cars from the street will assist us in getting the streets cleared off.
Q. Who is responsible for mowing the right of way?
A. According to Codified Ordinance Section 905.10(b), each individual property owner is responsible for mowing the right of way adjacent to their property. This includes the area between the sidewalk and the street. Grass should be maintained at a height less than 6 inches. The area should also be maintained free of weeds.
Q. Will the street sweeper run on my street?
A. Generally the street sweeper is used on streets with curbing in order to keep the dirt from getting flushed into the storm sewer system. On streets without curbs, intersections are swept by hand.
Q. Does the City spray for mosquitoes?
A. Yes. Working in cooperation with the Franklin County Board of Health, the City executes an extensive plan to reduce the mosquito population in our area. For additional information about the enhanced mosquito control program or to report any areas that have a high mosquito population call 614-462-BITE (2483).
Q. What can I do as a resident or property owner to help prevent mosquitoes?
A. Eliminate as many breeding sites as possible. Low areas and containers such as tires, bird baths, buckets, rain barrels, and flower pots breed mosquitoes if they hold water for a week or longer. Pools left untreated and pool covers holding water are also breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Your assistance in eliminating as many of these as possible, along with changing bird baths frequently, will result in fewer mosquitoes during the warm months.
Q. Where can I get rid of unwanted tires?
A. Unwanted tires can be taken to Liberty Tire Services of Ohio located at 3041 Jackson Pike. The City also picks up unwanted tires during spring and fall clean-up week and disposes of them as a service to the residents.