Senior Services

To view the Senior/OCC activity calendar, click HERE.

If you have any questions, please call 614-491-4546 or email Mel Ross.

The City of Obetz has an active senior community and therefore the City has created a diverse program of activities for our residents.

On Mondays and Thursdays at Noon, lunch is served at the Obetz Community Center in Stewart Hall at noon. A $2 donation is requested. This is a great opportunity to socialize with residents.

A variety of games are played every Monday and Thursday immediately following lunch.

Chair Volleyball is played every Wednesday at 1:00 pm at the OCC.

Euchre card games are held every Tuesday at 5:00 pm at the OCC.

Senior Transportation Program

Hamilton Township and Obetz have teamed together to provide transportation for senior citizens or disabled residents who have no other means of transportation. Transportation is available on Tuesday and Wednesday for medical and personal appointments within a 15-mile radius.

Priority will be given to medical appointments. Service is offered curb-to-curb Tuesdays & Wednesdays at no cost to the individual. All transportation appointments must be made at least 48 hours in advance. No individual may utilize transportation service more than twice per week, except for medical therapy.

You may have a wait, so remember to bring something to keep yourself busy and something to snack on. Please do not ask the driver to make unscheduled stops. This will keep the schedule punctual. Please feel free to call with any questions you may have. (614) 491-4546

*Transportation is available to attend lunches at the OCC on Mondays and Thursdays.

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