J. Michael Confer

Name: J. Michael Confer

Position: Chief of Police

Experience: 20 years total, 18 in Obetz: Chief 8 years, Sgt 5 years, Officer 5 years.

Formal Education/Training:

Supervisor Training and Education Program                                                 

Police Executive Leadership College

FEMA IS-00100.b/ICS-100                                                                               

FEMA IS-00200.b/ICS-200                                                                               

FEMA IS-00700.a                                                                                

FEMA IS-00800.b                                                                               

FEMA ICS-300                                                                                     

FEMA ICS-400   

Internal Investigations                                                          

Conducting Background Investigations                                           

International Police Mountain Bike Association Certified                          

Supervising Counterdrug Operations

Document Authentication

Ethics and Professionalism

Criminal Gang Awareness           

Certified Instructor in:

Defensive Tactics-                                                                              

Hazmat and WMD Awareness for the First Responder

How to Instruct a Female Self-Protection Clinic                

Training for Law Enforcement Officers Flying Armed


New Certification for policies through the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board

2-time Obetz Nice Award winner

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