2023 Obetz Indoor Golf League
Registration for the 2023 season is now closed.
The league consists of teams of three players, who will play nine holes each week, over an 8-week season.
This year, we will handicap the league in addition to straight scoring. We will give awards for: 1) Top three teams without handicap; 2) Top three players without handicap; 3) Top three players with handicap; 4) Participation prizes.
The top team with handicap and top team without handicap will participate in an outdoor round for free. Other teams can still participate, but will need to pay to play.
Missed rounds will count as a score of 54. You can makeup missed rounds until March 26th. Please coordinate makeup rounds with the front desk.Registration ends December 31st, 2022. The registration fee is $30 per player for OAC members and $50 per player for non-members. Please pay at the front desk of the OAC. Checks should be made payable to the City of Obetz. If you have questions, please contact the front desk at the OAC (614-491-8520) or email Ben Swauger (bswauger@obetz.oh.us).