New front entrance video board coming to the Fortress
Installation of a new video board is underway at Fortress Obetz. The project is expected to be completed in just a few short weeks.
This board will be bigger and better than the previous one, and will only add to the experience for anyone visiting the Fortress!
The main difference between the new video board and the old board is the shape. The old board was more of a message board with dimensions similar to that of a billboard. This limited the sort of content we could display.
This new video board will be much bigger than the previous one, and will be capable of much more. The size and dimensions of the new board will allow for video content, not just static images like the old screen produced.
As for the old video board, we don’t have a final plan for it yet, but our hope is that it can be repurposed somewhere else that will best suit Obetz! We’ll keep everyone posted on what’s to come of the old board!