Madison Christian Students Visit OCC
A big thanks to the Madison Christian School students for spending their service day at the Obetz Community Center with Obetz seniors!
The Madison Christian Administration and student body also recently donated a great deal of non-food items to the Obetz Community Center. These items, and the items donated by the OCC seniors, are being contributed to the Groceries to Go Food Pantry program that the OCC has participated in for the last several years. So far, over 1,600 items have been collected at the OCC!
This program is ran by Lifecare Alliance, a home and community based nonprofit health organization that provides programs such as meals-on-wheels and visiting nurses. The Groceries to Go program supports people that are battling chronic illnesses.
Every year, the Franklin County Task Force on Aging challenges all the senior centers in Franklin County to donate as many toiletry items as they can to this program. The drive spans over a few months, and the Obetz seniors have donated the most each year for the previous three years! There is still time left to donate this year, but I’m sure all the items donated by Madison Christian will help Obetz be at the top again this year!
Thanks again to Madison Christian! Great group of students!